I'll admit, some days it's just too hot and too tiring to bake. Today's temperature was in the 80s, a severe thunderstorm whipped through St. Louis and felled a gigantic sweet gum tree limb, which promptly landed on top of my little red truck. All is well, but baking coconut cupcakes is going to wait until tomorrow. I'll post a bonus blog entry tomorrow (Wed., 6/3) after I bake those little, yummy post-modern white-on-white creations, so don't worry. The girl and her oven will make an appearance this week, especially since I promised my good buddy Shane that he would be the lucky recipient of these bad boys.

Yet, Dave and I knew that dinner must go on, regardless of my baking rut and fallen tree limb issues. So, I consulted Epicurious.com (oh, how I love thee) to find a recipe that would use our russet potatoes and sugar snap peas. While Dave grilled chicken thighs in a sesame oil, maple, cilantro, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, honey glaze, I whipped up a recipe from Bon Appetit's June 2009 issue: Caesar Potato Salad with Snap Peas. I contend that this recipe would be made even better with bits of bacon and perhaps a dollop of honey and cilantro, which I picked fresh from my garden tonight. The storm spared my herbs, thank goodness.

So, after a long, rainy afternoon, Dave and I enjoyed a blissful dinner replete with a crisp, apple-flavored Eve Chardonnay. And as I sipped my wine, forked my potato salad and conversed with my honey, I thought of a quote I read (The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner--thanks, Jenna!) today at lunch on my front stoop: "Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere, doing something else, being someone else."
I agree. Happiness, for me, is often found in the everyday going ons of my life and often catches me completely unaware.

Listening to: "It's Coming Down," Cake
Kella, I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to discover your blog. Love it!
Hey, there are no deadlines on this blog beyond my Tuesday night baking deadline (I need one). Only happiness, food, and a botched up sourdough starter which will one day be remedied. Welcome!!!
Yikes! I hope everything's okay truckwise. I spent many years in St. Louis and know how fierce the storms can be that whip through there. Oh, yes--and lovely blog, by the way!
Thanks, Terry!! As always, I love your blog!! Go, Blue Kitchen. I have dual posts to put up tonight. Last week my laptop was infected with 7 viruses. It wasn't pretty (or inexpensive when I visited the folks at the Geek Squad). In any case, thanks for the encouraging words. It's been raining off and on here for two weeks! Right now, the sun is shining. :)
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