Last weekend, as in a week ago, I baked yogurt biscuits and roasted Brussels sprouts. I invented a chicken-pinto-bean-sake soup and made roasted garlic and potato pierogies with Dave, my unflappable, generous boyfriend (yes, he really is that nice). I was on a baking-cooking frenzy. I drank red wine and slept late. I was unstoppable and fully sated.
This weekend I did absolutely nothing, which is fitting given the fact that I started this little experiment in bake-blogging (it's a verb) because of an essay I wrote about procrastination-baking (also a verb).
So I offer up last weekend's twofer (as in two-for one) recipes on a Monday night. A candle is burning, but only one wick. My little cat Nora purrs in my lap as I type this. I have a chance to simply be present, and it feels nice.
Yogurt Biscuits
by Mark Bittman, How to Cook Everything
Makes 9 or more biscuits
Time: 20 or 30 minutes
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 scant tsp. salt
3 tsps. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
5 tablespoons cold butter
1 cup plain yogurt
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
2. Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl. Cut the butter into bits and pick up a bit of the dry ingredients, rub them with the butter between your fingers, and drop them again. All butter should be thoroughly blended before proceeding.
3. Use large spoon to stir in the yogurt, just until mixture forms a ball. Turn dough onto lightly floured surface and knead (10 times or so).
4. Press a 3/4-inch-thick rectangle and cut into 2" rounds with your favorite juice glass (or if you're really serious, a biscuit cutter). Place rounds on a greased baking sheet. Makes approximately 9 generous biscuits, probably more.
5. Bake 8 minutes (7-9), or until biscuits are golden. Serve within 15 minutes with honey and reggae music (my note, not Mark's).
Crispy-Edged Roasted Brussels Sprouts
by Molly Katzen, The Vegetable Dishes I Can't Live Without
Serves 4
Time: 15 to 20 minutes (maybe less depending on your knife skills; mine are sub par)
1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil (more is better)
4 cups (1 pound) Brussels sprouts, halved or quartered lengthwise (or left whole, if small)
Kosher salt (I don't think it's optional, but Molly does)
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
2. Place Brussels sprouts cut-side down on an aluminum-foil lined baking sheet that has been pre-coated with olive oil.
3. Place the tray in the oven for 10 minutes. Shake tray or redistribute sprouts so that their surfaces can come into contact with the hot olive oil.
4. Roast for another 5 minutes or until taste tells you that the sprouts are done (crispy, fragrant goodness).
5. Remove tray from oven, cool for 5 minutes and enjoy hot. Sprinkle salt on while sprouts are cooling.
I want to have roasted brussel sprouts for dinner. Seriously. I've been thinking about them for weeks and now there is this. Are you a mind reader?
Probably not. But I'm grateful that I'm not the only one who likes Brussels sprouts. They're super tasty out of the oven. I'm not so sure after they've been in the refrigerator for awhile. I have a small container I didn't get to that will likely have a date with my mini-compost bin.
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